If you're trying to become more muscular then you've probably come across the idea that the very last rep of your workout should be a bicep curl of your protein shake up to your lips. The magazines and the bro in the supplement store insist that you need a protein shake instantly following a workout. "It's the post-workout anabolic window bro, if you miss that, you've wasted your workout."

But the science isn't anywhere near as clear-cut. It appears that the most important factor in terms of the effects of protein on muscle growth is your overall daily intake and an immediate post-workout shake will have minimal effects, if any. (Check out the article linked below)

This doesn't necessarily mean that you shouldn't supplement with protein powder. I will still drink a protein shake after the gym if I'm on the go, but it's because I'm normally pretty hungry with little access to food, and not for the magical bro gains.
